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EHR Document Queue for Mental + Behavioral Health

PUBLISHED ON: 10.18.2019

In the digital age, having an EHR document queue in your practice management software is essential!

Remember when, back in the day, you would place paperwork in a tray, folder, or interoffice mail for employees to review and sign? Then the inevitable waiting game would begin: waiting for your supervisor to approve and sign off on your client’s treatment plan…waiting for your fellow clinician to review and sign a client’s intake paperwork…

…not to mention the stress of keeping up with all of that: who has yet to return a signed form? Who claims they signed and returned but you don’t see it in your box… It’s a wonder that any of us got anything done outside of keeping up with the paperwork chain!

Those days are over.

PIMSY Behavioral Health EHR Document Queue

PIMSY is proud to introduce our new Document Queue, which allows staff to electronically forward documents for review or request signature from other staff. The EHR Document Queue utilizes our current Word Merge and dual sign-off functionality to provide a single module to view and sign any documents assigned to each user.


As a bonus, we’ve included a new tile on the Dashboard to make it even easier to stay on top of your Queue:

PIMSY mental health EHR introduces its new comprehensive document queue.

Assignment is quite simple, whether you are assigning to only 1 other employee or multiple employees:

PIMSY behavioral health EHR introduces its new comprehensive document queue for inpatient and substance use agencies.

Electronic Signature + Sign Off

With PIMSY’s electronic signature capability, there is no need for an employee to re-capture their signature with a signature pad or their touchscreen – they simply click “My Signature”, as shown below, which applies their previously captured signature (similar to releasing a note or dual sign-off):

PIMSY mental health practice management introduces its new comprehensive document queue for rehab and substance use.

The PIMSY Document Queue is available on the Platinum plan.

To see this feature in action – or to see other PIMSY features & functionality, contact us: 877.334.8512, ext 1 >

Author: pehradmin

Don’t settle for a small practice EHR that can’t scale with growth.

PIMSY Prime is your cost-effective mental and behavioral health EHR solution tailored for small practices. Prime offers the features you need now, with a platform dynamic enough to scale as your needs change.