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Electronic Forms (eForms)

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Digitize Your Forms Process with PIMSY EHR’s eForms

Electronic forms functionality (eForms) and digital signature capture are integral to any busy mental health practice. Providing an easy-to-use interface for your clients to complete intake forms quickly, fill out measures like PHQ9s, and sign consents simplifies your checkin process while saving your patients and staff time.  


Simple and Intuitive eForms

Printing and scanning are not only expensive but inefficient. Save time and avoid risk by eliminating paper and digitizing your forms process with PIMSY’s eForms. Other benefits include:


Automatic form reminders, required fields, and real-time updates enhance consistency in documentation while helping ensure that each form is filled out completely and correctly.   

Easy Access 

View forms from any device at any time and from any location. 

Reduced Errors 

When combined with our Automatic Form Filler, PIMSY’s eForms significantly reduce time spent asking patients to re-submit incomplete or ineligible documents.   


Agencies can tailor eForms to meet their specific requirements. 

Save Time 

Completed eForms are automatically saved as a document in the client’s chart, eliminating steps in administrative workflows. 

Confidentiality & Security 

Ensure peace of mind by removing the risk of missing paperwork, emailed intake forms being intercepted or misdirected, and mailed packets being forgotten or misplaced. By using PIMSY’s Client Portal as a one-stop shop for all patient-related activities and communication, you can rest assured that client information is secure while you remain HIPAA compliant. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is there a limit to the number of questions you can have on an eForm? 

There’s no limit to the length of eForm or the number of questions. However, it’s essential to consider the user’s experience and comfort to avoid eye strain.  

Can you assign forms to specific clients in your system? 

Yes, you can assign eForms to specific clients or set up defaults to be assigned to all charts upon creation. 

Can patients save their work to finish at a later time? 

An eForm must be completed in a sitting. If the patient does not complete the form, their work is not saved, and they will have to fill out that form from the beginning when they next log in. 

Ready to take a step towards more personalized, effective, and empathetic mental health services?

PIMSY’s eForms functionality is easy to navigate, streamlines data collection, and helps ensure data and form integrity, leading to increased efficiency, and saving money and time so you can deliver high-quality patient care.  

Schedule a demo to explore the features and benefits of integrating PIMSY into your behavioral health practice.


Request a Demo

Inquiries? Email us at or call 877-334-8512 ext. 1

Author: pehradmin

Don’t settle for a small practice EHR that can’t scale with growth.

PIMSY Prime is your cost-effective mental and behavioral health EHR solution tailored for small practices. Prime offers the features you need now, with a platform dynamic enough to scale as your needs change.