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Mandatory Disclosures

We invite you to explore our range of certifications where expertise meets validation. 

Multi-factor Authentication

Contact our team for our (d)(13)PIMSY Platinum 9.0 MFA Attestation and any other information on Multi-factor Authentication.

Cost Transparency
Capability Description of Capability Costs or Fees*
170.315(a)(1) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – medications This functionality enables users of CEHRT to place Medication orders electronically. Additional cost may apply. Dr First Integration
170.315(a)(2)  Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Laboratory This functionality enables users to create and change laboratory orders for patients, as well as access information regarding the laboratory orders.  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(3)  Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Diagnostic Imaging This functionality enables users to create and change Radiology/imaging orders for patients, as well as access information regarding the Radiology/imaging orders.  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(4)  Drug-to-Drug, Drug-to-Allergy interaction checks This functionality enables CEHRT users to be alerted for potential drug interaction alerts before they commit the orders to patient's chart. The Base subscription to the CEHRT provides access to Medi-Span Drug utilization review alerts during the process of ordering medications. Additional cost may apply.  Dr First Integration
170.315(a)(5) Demographics This functionality enables CEHRT users to capture demographic information of the patient. This capability is part of Base EHR subscription. There is integration with PM system and PM system is the source for capturing demographic data as part of patient intake process  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(9)  Clinical Decision Support Through support of content programs, users can leverage real-time, patient-specific, actionable alerts and notifications. Instant access to critical data and prospective notifications based on real-time documentation facilitate positive behavior changes at the point-of-care, improving patient outcomes.  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(10) Drug-formulary and Preferred Drug List Checks This functionality enables a CEHRT user to perform Drug Formulary checks during medication prescriptions. This functionality is included in base CEHRT subscription and utilizes the Surescripts eligibility files to determine formulary coverage. Additional cost may apply. Dr First Integration
170.315(a)(12) Family Health History This functionality enables the user to electronically record, change and access a patient’s family health history.  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(13) Patient-Specific Education Resources (Infobutton) This functionality enables the user to electronically identify patient-specific education resources based on data included in the patient's problem list, medication list, and laboratory tests and values/results, according to InfoButton standards.  No additional costs.
170.315(a)(14) Implantable Device List This functionality enables capture of patient implantable device data as history in the chart. The certified EHR interacts with FDA Webaccess GUDID to incorporate the device ID and Unique device Identifiers for the implantable device.  No additional costs.
Care Coordination
170.315(b)(1) Transitions of Care This functionality enables a user to electronically create and transmit a transition of care/referral summary in C-CDA format, which includes encounter diagnoses, immunizations, cognitive status, functional status, the reason for referral, and referring or transitioning the provider’s name and office contact information. The solution follows C-CDA and Direct standards. Additional cost may apply. Data Motion Direct Email Addresses
Privacy & Security
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, Access Control, Authorization This functionality verifies against a  username that a user seeking access to electronic health information is the one claimed and establishes the type of access to electronic health information a user is permitted based upon security  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(2) Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance This functionality logs and audits user activity while accessing the system and provides a mechanism to assure the information audited is not tampered  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(3) Audit Report(s) This functionality enables a user to create an audit report for a specific time period and to sort entries in the audit log  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(4) Amendments Permits a patient to submit an amendment to their electronic health record  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(5) Automatic Access Time-Out This functionality automatically stops user access to health information after a predetermined period of inactivity  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(6) Emergency Access This functionality permit an identified set of users to access electronic health information during an emergency.  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(7) End-User Device Encryption EHR Technology is designed not to locally store electronic health information on end-user devices  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(8) Integrity This functionality allows the system to create a message digest using a hashing algorithm with a security strength equal to or greater than SHA-2. to ensure that the content has not been altered.  No additional costs.
170.315(d)(9) Trusted Connection Encrypt and integrity protect message contents in accordance with the standards. A hashing algorithm with a security strength equal to or greater than SHA-2 is used  No additional costs.
Design & Performance
170.315(g)(2) Automated Measure Calculation This functionality enables certifying EHR to record and calculate objective measures.  No additional costs.
170.315(g)(3) Safety-Enhanced Design This functionality enables certifying EHR to meet the summative usability guidelines for end users.  No additional costs.
170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System This is essential to guarantee that the EHR technology meets the necessary quality standards and is safe for use in healthcare settings  No additional costs.
170.315(g)(6) Consolidated CDA Creation Performance This functionality certifies the CDA performance for all CDA documents generated from certified EHR to ONC prescribed standards.  No additional costs.
170.315(g)(9) Application Access – All Data Request This functionality enables patient to connect with any 3rd party patient engagement App using FHIR APIs with their practice EHR and request their CCD data Additional costs may apply for Blue button Pro integration.

* Costs or Fees: Types of costs or fees that a user may be required to pay to purchase, license, implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of the implementation or use of the capability -OR- in connection with the data generated in the course using the capability.

ONC EHR Certification

What is ONC EHR Certification?

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program) is a voluntary certification program established by the ONC to provide for the certification of health IT.  Requirements for certification are established by standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria adopted by the Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Certification Program supports the availability of certified health IT for its encouraged and required use under other federal, state and private programs. The Certification Program is run as a third-party product conformity assessment scheme for health information technology (health IT) based on the principles of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) framework.

PIMSYEHR Product Information


PIMSY by Smoky Mountain Information Systems, LLC

Product Name & Version

PIMSY Platinum 9.0

Date Certified


CHPL Certification ID

Certification Edition

2015 Edition

Certification Criteria

170.315(a)(2) – CPOE-Laboratory

170.315(a)(3) – CPOE-Diagnostic Imaging

170.315(a)(5) – Demographics

170.315(a)(9) – Clinical Decision Support

170.315(a)(12) – Family Health History

170.315(a)(14) – Implantable device list

170.315(b)(1)c – Transitions of Care (Cures Update)

170.315(b)(10)c – Electronic Health Information Export

170.315(d)(1) – Authentication, Access Control, Authorization

170.315(d)(2)c – Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance (Cures Update)

170.315(d)(3)c – Audit Report(s) (Cures Update)

170.315(d)(4) – Amendments

170.315(d)(5) – Automatic Log-off

170.315(d)(6) – Emergency Access

170.315(d)(7) – End-user Device Encryption

170.315(d)(8) – Integrity

170.315(d)(9) – Trusted Connection

170.315(d)(12)c – Encrypt Authentication Credentials

170.315(d)(13)c – Multi-Factor Authentication

170.315(g)(2) – Automated Measure Calculation

170.315(g)(3) – Safety-enhanced Design

170.315(g)(4) – Quality Management System

170.315(g)(5) – Accessibility-centered Design

170.315(g)(6)c – Consolidated CDA Creation Performance (Cures Update)

170.315(g)(9)c – Application Access – All Data Request (Cures Update)



Additional Required Software

FDA – API, DataMotion Direct, BlueButtonPRO version 2

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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