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My PIMSY Love It List

PUBLISHED ON: 03.24.2016
PIMSY mental health practice management love it list

If you’ve ever taken a peek at our Kudos page, you know that we get lots of positive feedback about our products and services. In fact, last June I had to create a spreadsheet to keep track of all our happy customer testimonials! While we appreciate every bit of feedback – and put it all to good use (both delighted and constructive), we were especially thrilled to receive this detailed PIMSY love it list from customer Lindsey D.

“These are the features that are making PIMSY easy, efficient and customizable:

// the ability to cut/paste from anywhere to anywhere, including from other programs, such as Word

// re-sizing of all the various windows

// “click” to add the goal to the note – genius, and speeds things up a good bit!

// the surveys – Marisa put my progress note in a survey for me, after I found out I couldn’t do much formatting with a template – perfect! Easy to move around in, good visual contrast between sections, and easy to paste back into the note box when I’m done.

// easy to move in and out of the note window into other sections of the client’s chart, and go right back into the note – either by using the windows tab on PIMSY or just click on the image off the task bar if PIMSY is pinned there.

// the dashboard and alerts – still learning all the uses, but love the ease of accessing various kinds of information quickly

// And, my whole PIMSY Support Team (Kim, Kori & Marisa) are absolutely fantastic. Recently Marisa has been helping me fine-tune, and learn how to do a few new things. She responds so quickly that I feel like I have some sort of magic button – it really speeds up getting through various snags, etc.”

…All of this, directly from a client, unsolicited, who was clearly so pleased with our team, product, and services that she took the time to write and send this PIMSY love it list. Now that’s what keeps us going! 🙂

Read more happy client testimonials here – and contact us for a no-commitment live Web demo to see if PIMSY’s the right for your agency: 877.334.8512, ext 1 ||  


Leigh-Ann Renz

Leigh-Ann Renz

Leigh-Ann Renz is the Marketing & Business Development Director of PIMSY EHR. For more information about electronic solutions for your practice, check out Mental Health EHR.

Author: pehradmin

Don’t settle for a small practice EHR that can’t scale with growth.

PIMSY Prime is your cost-effective mental and behavioral health EHR solution tailored for small practices. Prime offers the features you need now, with a platform dynamic enough to scale as your needs change.